Root Canal Therapy in Lafayette CA

Root canal treatment is a standard and straightforward procedure to relieve dental pain and save your tooth. It is needed when there is infection or inflammation inside the roots of a tooth. Millions of diseased teeth are successfully treated every year with root canal therapy. 

At LALA Dental in Lafayette, California, Dr. Meshkin provides safe and comfortable root canal treatments to treat your impaired tooth and prevent its extraction.

What Is a Root Canal?

A root canal is a dental procedure that removes damaged or infected tooth pulp to save your natural tooth. The pulp is situated at your tooth's center, and it's a soft area comprising connective tissues, nerves, and blood vessels.

When the pulp gets impaired, it can put the structural integrity of your tooth at risk. A root canal treatment will clean up the pulp canal, remove any infection, and seal the chamber to prevent future damage.

Root canals are standard, practical therapies capable of saving your natural tooth and helping keep your smile intact. At times, teeth that have suffered discoloration from pulp damage regain their normal color. 

When Is Root Canal Therapy Necessary?

The tooth pulp can get damaged due to an injury, like a blow to the face or a fractured tooth, or repeated dental treatments on a tooth. When the pulp gets compromised, it begins to decline and break down inside your tooth, allowing bacterial accumulation. Bacteria and dead pulp can lead to infections and other complications like pain, swelling, abscess, tooth sensitivity and discoloration, and bone loss near the tooth root. 

The Root Canal Procedure

Root canal therapy generally involves one to three office visits. Before starting the procedure, Dr. Meshkin will administer local anesthesia to make you comfortable. Next, a small opening is drilled into the surface of the affected tooth to reach the inner chamber. 

The diseased tissue is removed, the inner chamber is meticulously cleaned and disinfected, and the tiny canals are reshaped. The chambers and canals are packed with a medicated substance to prevent future infection. If necessary, the drilled opening is temporarily sealed until a permanent crown restoration is fabricated. 

Most patients who undergo root canal treatments experience little or no discomfort. The restored tooth can last for your entire lifespan with efficient care and maintenance.

Do Root Canals Hurt?

Root canals are considered to be painful, complicated dental procedures. But the fact is that root canals are prevalent outpatient procedures causing minimal discomfort. Most often, toothaches result from infections, and people are often surprised to find that they are relieved of their tooth pain almost immediately following a root canal.

To learn more about our root canal treatments, visit the LALA Dental office at 895 Moraga Rd Suite 6, Lafayette, CA 94549. You can also reach Dr. Meshkin in Lafayette, CA, at (925) 385-8858.

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Lafayette, CA

895 Moraga Rd Suite 6, Lafayette, CA 94549


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  • Tuesday8:00 am - 5:00 pm
  • Wednesday8:00 am - 5:00 pm
  • Thursday8:00 am - 5:00 pm
  • Friday8:00 am - 5:00 pm
  • SaturdayClosed
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