Composite Fillings in Lafayette CA

Composite or tooth-colored fillings are among the most versatile and cosmetically superior restorative options. From repairing tooth decay and cracks to filling gaps in your smile, tooth-colored fillings deliver long-lasting, flawless results. 

At LALA Dental in Lafayette, California, Dr. Meshkin believes in the importance of rectifying both the appearance and functions of a damaged or decayed tooth. Hence, she recommends composite filling restorations crafted from quality materials that blend in seamlessly with your smile.

What Are Composite/Tooth-Colored Fillings?

Composite fillings are tooth-colored restorations that can seal cavities and prevent tooth decay. They are made from high-quality composite resin, glass, and acrylic micro-beads. Composite fillings can replace the tooth structure which has deteriorated due to tooth decay. 

Tooth decay can cause cavities that grow bigger if left untreated and large cavities can make your teeth crack, chip, or fall apart. A composite filling can stop tooth destruction. These fillings are durable and can last for years.

What Are the Signs of a Cavity?

Most people develop cavities due to inadequate oral hygiene practices. The signs which indicate you might have a cavity include:

  • Tooth sensitivity to hot and cold temperatures
  • Toothache
  • Brown, black, or white spots on teeth
  • Pain when biting
  • Visible holes in teeth

How Are Composite/Tooth-Colored Fillings Placed?

Composite or tooth-colored fillings can be placed in just one visit to our dental office. Dr. Meshkin administers local anesthesia to numb the affected tooth. Then, she removes any damaged and diseased tooth structure. Next, she chooses a quality resin material that matches your natural enamel color. 

The flexible composite resin is applied directly to the prepared tooth and shaped into position, reconstructing the declined structure, filling in gaps or cracks, and concealing cosmetic flaws. A curing light is flashed on the tooth, hardening the resin into position. Finally, the dentist smoothes and polishes the tooth, giving you a perfectly beautiful smile.

Caring for Your Composite/Tooth-Colored Fillings

Once your composite or tooth-colored filling is in place, you can resume your regular oral hygiene routine. Dr. Meshkin may recommend you start using a softer toothbrush or less abrasive toothpaste to avoid wearing away the composite resin. 

It would be best to use a mouthguard during sporting events or protect your oral structures from nighttime teeth clenching and grinding. Avoid using your teeth as tools to crack nuts or open packages, and don’t chew on ice or fingernails. 

Unlike other restorative materials, fillings are not stain-resistant, so you should limit your consumption of staining foods and beverages. Most importantly, don’t forget to visit our dental office for dental exams and teeth cleanings.

To learn more about the benefits of composite fillings, visit the LALA Dental office at 895 Moraga Rd Suite 6, Lafayette, CA 94549. You can also reach Dr. Meshkin in Lafayette, CA, at (925) 385-8858 to schedule an appointment.

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Lafayette, CA

895 Moraga Rd Suite 6, Lafayette, CA 94549


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